
  1. Sustainability TOP
  2. ESG Data
  3. ESG Data (Environment)

ESG Data (Environment)

Calculation Period Non-consolidated: 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìȺÚÁÏÍø MOTORS LIMITED
Consolidated: 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìȺÚÁÏÍø MOTORS LIMITED and 10 of its domestic and overseas subsidiaries with production sites

Consolidated Data

Trends in CO2 Emissions

Trends in COâ‚‚ Emissions

Trends in Waste Generation

Trends in Waste Generation

Non-consolidated Data

Isuzu's Environmental Management Structures

In the past, Isuzu operated its environmental management structures on a site-by-site basis. With the revision of ISO 14001 in FY2016, the systems were integrated on a Group-wide basis. In December 2016, we expanded ISO 14001 certification to all Isuzu sites, and shifted to ISO 14001:2015.
At present, Isuzu is carrying out uniform environmental initiatives across all sites. Moreover, we are undertaking company-wide efforts to reduce the environmental burdens resulting from our business operations and to strengthen our environmental management.

Violations and Accidents Related to Environmental Laws and Regulations in FY2024

Isuzu had no violations or environmental accidents related to environmental laws and regulations during FY2024.

CO2 Emissions Mitigation Activities

  • Medium- to long-term target
    Reduce CO2 emissions from business activities to 205,630 t-CO2 or less by the end of FY2024
  • Targets and results for FY2024
    Target: Reduce CO2 emissions from business activities to 205,630 t-CO2 or less by the end of FY2024
    Result: 179,773 t-CO2
Trends in CO2 Emissions from Energy
Trends in CO2 Emissions from Energy
Trends in Energy Consumption
Trends in Energy Consumption
  1. *The energy coefficient has been changed for FY2024.
Trends in CO2 Emissions from Logistics
Trends in CO2 Emissions from Logistics

Activities to Reduce Resource Use

Reduce and Control Emissions

  • Medium- to long-term target
    By the end of FY2024, reduce the amount of waste generated by our business activities to 6,290 tons or less, and strive to optimize all emissions
  • Targets and results for FY2024
    Target: By the end of FY2024, reduce the amount of waste generated by our business activities to 6,290 tons or less, and strive to optimize all emissions
    Result: 6,202 tons
Trends in Waste Generation

Since FY2012, Isuzu has achieved zero emissions, with no waste being sent to landfills.

Trends in Waste Generation
Trends in Plastic Product Industrial Waste Emissions

As Isuzu emits more than 250 tons of plastic product industrial waste annually, the company is classified as a large-volume emitter under the Act on Promotion of Resource Circulation for Plastics*.
In accordance with the law, Isuzu has set goals for reducing and recycling plastic product industrial waste and implemented initiatives to achieve these goals. In FY2024, we successfully met its targets.
Isuzu will continue to accelerate its efforts to reduce waste and promote recycling, advancing methodical initiatives to achieve future targets.

  1. *Act on promotion of resource circulation for plastics
Trends in Plastic Product Industrial Waste Emissions
Trends in Recycling Performance Based on Automobile Recycling
Trends in Recycling Performance Based on Automobile Recycling

Reduction of Water Consumption

  • Medium- to long-term target
    Reduce water consumption in business activities to 2,330,900 tons or less by the end of FY2024
  • Targets and results for FY2024
    Target: Reduce water consumption in business activities to 2,330,900 tons or less by the end of FY2024
    Result: 2,114,103 tons
Trends in Water Resource Consumption
Trends in Water Resource Consumption

Environmental Risk Reduction Activities

Control Chlorofluorocarbon Emissions

In response to the Act for Control of Chlorofluorocarbon Emissions (Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons) effective from April 2015, Isuzu is promoting proper refrigerant management for business-use refrigeration air conditioning equipment and other equipment using chlorofluorocarbons at all of its bases, and is implementing inspections of all such equipment.
While this act requires business operators to report if their estimated leakage of chlorofluorocarbon exceeds 1,000 tons-CO2/year, Isuzu has verified that its leakage volume for FY2024 was lower than this level.

Reduction of VOC Emissions

  • Medium- to long-term target
    Maintain VOC emissions per painted area of 19.2 g/m2 or less in the cab painting process
  • Targets and results for FY2024
    Target: Maintain VOC emissions per painted area of 19.2 g/m2 or less in the cab painting process
    Result: 18.2 g/m2

Isuzu is reducing emissions through the recovery of volatile organic compounds (VOC), has reduced VOC emissions from its plants and reviewed and improved its painting processes, which entail particularly large VOC emissions.
This activity is promoted through voluntary efforts to reduce VOC emissions by the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc.

Trend in Total VOC Emissions
Trend in Total VOC Emissions

Proper Management of Emissions and Wastewater

By properly maintaining boilers and other smoke-generating facilities, we ensure that the amount of air pollutants from emissions such as NOx (nitrogen oxides) and SOx (sulfur oxides) is within regulatory standard values*.
Further, wastewater from our plants is processed in a wastewater treatment facility before being discharged to sewer systems or public water areas. The discharged water is analyzed on a regular basis to ensure that it is within regulatory standard values.

  1. *Regulatory standard values are determined in accordance with laws or ordinances, whichever is stricter.
Fujisawa Plant: 8 Tsuchidana, Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture


Item Equipment Regulation Value Measured Value
Maximum Average
NOx (ppm) Boilers 60 33 26.7
Metal melting furnaces 180 41 35.8
Paint baking furnaces 230 106 95.5
Soot and dust (g/Nm3) Boilers 0.3 0.005 0.005
Metal melting furnaces 0.3 0.013 0.0051
Paint baking furnaces 0.2 0.0018 0.0018
  1. *Since all facilities producing soot and smoke use city gas as their fuel, SOx is excluded from the scope of measurement.

Water Quality Discharge Destination: Hikiji River

Item Regulation Value Measured Value
Maximum Minimum Average
pH 5.8-8.6 7.9 7.5 7.8
COD (mg/L) 60 29.0 8.2 17.7
BOD (mg/L) 60 14.0 4.2 9.8
SS (mg/L) 90 12.0 1.0 5.7
Oil content (mg/L) 5 2.0 1.0 1.4
Tochigi Plant: 2691 Hakuchu, Ohira-Machi, Tochigi City, Tochigi Prefecture


Item Equipment Regulation Value Measured Value
Maximum Average
NOx (ppm) Boilers 150 65 24
Metal heating furnace 180 170 90
Gas engines 600 197 189
SOx (Nm3/h) Total volume regulation 14.5 0.6 0.09
Soot and dust (g/Nm3) Boilers 0.1 0.001 0.001
Metal heating furnace 0.2 0.008 0.003
Gas engines 0.05 0.003 0.002

Water Quality Discharge Destination: Nagano River

Item Regulation Value Measured Value
Maximum Minimum Average
pH 5.8-8.6 7.4 7.1 7.2
BOD (mg/L) 20 6.6 1.6 2.4
SS (mg/L) 40 2.0 0.0 0.2
Oil content (mg/L) 5 0.0 0.0 0.0
  1. *The COD is excluded from the scope of measurement since plant wastewater is discharged into rivers.

Environmental Accounting

To conduct environmental activities efficiently and continuously, Isuzu has calculated the costs and effects of environmental conservation.
We have disclosed information with the aim of helping to make management decisions for carrying out efficient investments in environmental activities, and as an evaluation index for businesses as well.

Environmental Conservation Costs

Total investment was 6,260 million yen, a 1,487 million yen increase YOY.
Total expenses were 52,847 million yen, a 4,160 million yen increase YOY.
Details are shown in the table below.

(Target Period: April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)

(Unit: million yen)
Classification Investment Expenses Major activities
Business area costs Pollution prevention costs 328 784 Prevention of air, water and other kinds of pollution
Global environmental conservation costs 1,945 637 Implementing energy-saving activities, climate change measures, etc.
Resource recycling costs 164 132 Proper disposal of waste, development and improvement of waste disposal sites, etc.
Upstream/downstream costs 0 3,991 Encouraging the recycling of used automobiles, 3Rs for waste, etc.
Management costs 0 187 Promoting environmental management, updating systems for gathering information such as environmental data, etc.
R&D costs 3,823 47,091 R&D for eco-friendly products compliant with emissions regulations, etc.
Social activity costs 0 20 Supporting environmental conservation activities such as tree planting, donating to environmental conservation organizations, etc.
Environmental damage costs 0 5 Pollution load levy, conservation measures against soil and groundwater pollution, etc.
Total 6,260 52,847
Environmental Conservation Effects

(Period: April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)

Category Effect details Effect
Economic effect (millions of yen) Reduction in energy costs through energy conservation 155
Profit on sale of valuables 3,292
Quantitative effect (tons) CO2 reduction (t-CO2) 4,156

Business Activities and Environmental Hazards

have been verified by a third-party for the FY2024 data.
FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
INPUT Energy input (GJ) 4,371,653 4,387,635 3,999,645
 Power consumption 1,891,461 2,076,515 1,682,534
〶ij¢±Ê³Ò 28,905 31,812 22,019
〶ij¢±·³Ò 971,498 808,459 918,627
 City gas 1,198,535 1,173,833 1,125,039
 Other energy 279,082 297,016 251,426
Raw material input amount (thousand-t)
 Iron & steel 56 43 33
〶Ĵ¡±ô³Ü³¾¾±²Ô³Ü³¾ 7 10 15
 Raw materials 183 152 125
Water usage (thousand m3) 2,019 2,174 2,151
 Industrial Water 1,918 2,055 2,047
 Public Water 101 119 104
OUTPUT Greenhouse gas (GHG) (t-CO2e) *1 206,266 195,036 159,822
Waste generation (thousand-t) 7.1 6.9 6.3
Final landfill (thousand-t) 0.0 0.0 0.0
Valuables (thousand-t) 87.2 87.6 80.9
Recycling result (%)
〶Ĵ¡³§¸é 96.6 97.0 96.9
 Air bags 95.3 95.0 96.7
VOC emissions (t) 581 596 610
Wastewater (thousand m3) 2,019 2,174 2,151
  1. *1Sum of Scope 1 and Scope 2

GHG emissions

FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
GHG emissions Total greenhouse gas emissions (t-CO2e) 94,683,737 102,675,760 79,434,151
〶ij§³¦´Ç±è±ð1 128,074 119,189 115,370
〶ij§³¦´Ç±è±ð2*1 78,192 75,847 44,452
 Scope3 Total 94,477,471 102,480,724 79,274,329
  Category 1 4,903,215 6,006,103 6,765,119
  Category 2*2 0 21,510 130,375
  Category 3 44,081 46,263 48,266
  Category 4 37,402 40,733 42,255
  Category 5 5,312 1,533 1,360
  Category 6 1,050 1,050 1,107
  Category 7 3,486 3,476 3,624
  Category 8 - - -
  Category 9 - - -
  Category 10 166,537 184,204 205,080
  Category 11 89,314,699 96,174,036 72,075,304
  Category 12 1,689 1,816 1,839
  Category 13 - - -
  Category 14 - - -
  Category 15 - - -
  1. *1Due to the expansion of renewable energy adoption.
  2. *2The increase in emissions is due to a revised calculation method for activity volume starting from FY2024.

Material Flow

FY2023 material flow