Isuzu Group Human Rights Policy
We, the Isuzu Group, are working on the resolution of various social issues through our business activities to realize the PURPOSE, VISION, and MISSION raised in 51ϲȺ ID, our corporate philosophy.
We believe that the basis of this activity is respect for the human rights of each and every individual. In line with international human rights norms, we are committed to meeting our responsibility to respect human rights by fostering a culture of respect for human rights and upholding the principles of human rights across our business activities.
Isuzu Group’s Human Rights Policy (hereinafter referred to as “This Policy”) was approved by the Board of Directors of Isuzu Motors.
- (Scope of application)
- 1This Policy applies to all officers, employees and temporary workers engaged in the Isuzu Group business (hereinafter referred to as officers and employees).
- 2We share this Policy with our trade and business partners and expect them to understand and supports its principles.
- (Adherence to international norms, laws and regulations, and code of conduct of the Isuzu Group)
- 1We are committed to meet our responsibility to respect human rights by not tolerating human rights abuses and responding appropriately to negative impacts on human rights associated with our business activities.
- 2We shall support and respect international human rights norms (including the International Bill of Human Rights, International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights) and actively implement initiatives in accordance with these norms.
- 3We shall comply with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we conduct business. In cases where there is a conflict between international human rights norms and the local laws and regulations, we shall explore ways to honor the internationally recognized human rights while complying with local laws and regulations.
- (Human rights management system and human rights due diligence)
- 1We shall implement a system to methodically and continuously promote respect for human rights in all our business activities and proactively address issues concerning human rights.
- 2We shall develop a series of steps (human rights due diligence) to identify, assess, prevent, and mitigate negative impact on human rights and continuously assess its effectiveness to make improvements.
- 3We shall proactively prevent negative impacts on human rights. Further, if any of our business activities are confirmed to have caused or contributed to such negative impacts, we shall immediately take appropriate measures to rectify and remedy the situation.
- 4We shall provide the Isuzu Group employees various ways to come forward and voice their concerns about human rights. To identify and address stakeholders’ concerns regarding human rights in a timely manner, we shall set up an effective reporting and grievance management system.
- (Education)
- To ensure the actions we take across our business operations are in line with this Policy, we shall continuously provide appropriate training and education to our officers and employees.
- (Dialogue and discussion / Information disclosure)
- 1In addition to maintaining dialogue and discussion with the relevant stakeholders, we shall leverage the knowledge of human rights shared by independent and external experts when undertaking the series of initiatives set forth in this Policy.
- 2We shall disclose the details and results of our human rights efforts on a regular basis.
Established on February 25, 2022
Revised on December 22, 2023
Isuzu Motors Limited
President and Representative Director, COO
Shinsuke Minami