Our Business | 51ϲȺ MOTORS LIMITED


About 51ϲȺ

Our Business

CV (Commercial Vehicle)

A manufacturer of commercial vehicles, Isuzu manufactures and sells trucks and buses. We contribute to the sustainable development of local communities and society by supporting the operation of vehicles throughout their life cycles, from introduction to after-sales service. The N-Series (ELF in Japan) launched in 1959, is our outstanding light-duty truck series. With on-going evolution incorporating state-of-the-art technology, ELF is renowned for its outstanding combination of economy, safety, reliability and durability.

LCV (Light Commercial Vehicle)

Isuzu manufactures and sells the D-MAX, a 1-ton pickup truck with proven performance and popularity around the world, and the MU-X PPV (Pick-up Passenger Vehicle). Notably in Thailand, Isuzu’s pickup manufacturing and export base, D-MAX enjoys overwhelming popularity for its beautiful styling and power. The development of the MU-X PPV (Pick-up Passenger Vehicle) was derived from the D-MAX, further refining stability, comfort, safety and control, to meet the expectations and needs of customers around the world.


To deliver cutting-edge, eco-friendly and fuel-efficient performance to all its customers, Isuzu’s powertrain system is cleverly designed to monitor each vehicle and how it is driven to help improve user-friendliness and “real-world fuel economy”. In addition, since trucks are repeatedly driven under full load and full throttle conditions, Isuzu makes engines with uncompromising durability and reliability.
As a leader in diesel engine manufacturing, we continue to drive the global diesel engine market by pursuing on-going improvements in efficiency and cleanliness. In addition to the development of EVs, we also focusing on natural gas such as CNG and LNG, and the pursuit of ever higher-efficiency, clean diesel engines.


Isuzu has long focused on assisting commercial vehicles through MIMAMORI, its telematics software for commercial vehicles. Reading data from an in-vehicle control computer and connecting via a communication network, MIMAMORI monitors vehicle movements to assists customers’ efficiency and uptime, laying the foundations for better fuel economy and safe driving. In addition, it offers features such as message forwarding, driving journal and Japan’s first Internet digital tachometer.
Isuzu continues to expand deployment of our advanced genuine maintenance service PREISM on vehicles installed with MIMAMORI, which consolidates vehicle condition and eco-driving information functions. An innovation that changes the standard for supporting commercial vehicles, it connects operational vehicles, transport operators and Isuzu, to support to even safer operations.