ESG Data (Social) | 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìȺÚÁÏÍø MOTORS LIMITED


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  2. ESG Data
  3. ESG Data (Social)

ESG Data (Social)

Calculation Period Non-consolidated: 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìȺÚÁÏÍø MOTORS LIMITED
Consolidated: 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìȺÚÁÏÍø MOTORS LIMITED and its domestic and overseas subsidiaries
Domestic: 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìȺÚÁÏÍø MOTORS LIMITED and domestic consolidated subsidiaries
Overseas: Overseas consolidated subsidiaries
  • The proportion of employees from companies included within the scope of this indicator relative to the total number of consolidated employees in the Isuzu Group.
  • Coverage marked with "−" or items not listed are standalone data.


have been verified by a third-party for the FY2024 data.
Scope Coverage Unit FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
The number of employees Total Consolidated 100% The number of employees 44,299 44,495 45,034
〶IJѲ¹±ô±ð 39,166 39,058 39,371
〶Ĺó±ð³¾²¹±ô±ð 5,133 5,437 5,663
Total Non-consolidated - 8,056 8,056 8,491
〶IJѲ¹±ô±ð 7,591 7,581 7,923
〶Ĺó±ð³¾²¹±ô±ð 465 475 568
Number of Employees by Region Japan Consolidated 100% The number of employees 28,727 28,544 29,017
Asia 12,475 12,684 12,814
Africa 1,676 1,781 1,883
Other Areas 1,421 1,486 1,320
Outside Number: Average Number of Temporary Employees Consolidated 100% The number of employees 14,320 15,146 14,455
Number of New Hires Total Consolidated 90.0% The number of employees - - 2,469
〶IJѲ¹±ô±ð - - 2,050
〶Ĺó±ð³¾²¹±ô±ð - - 419
Total Non-consolidated - 314 408 553
〶IJѲ¹±ô±ð 291 364 495
〶Ĺó±ð³¾²¹±ô±ð 23 44 58
Number of New Graduates Hired Total Japan 63.7% The number of employees - - 897
〶IJѲ¹±ô±ð - - 806
〶Ĺó±ð³¾²¹±ô±ð - - 91
Total Non-consolidated - 256 296 291
〶IJѲ¹±ô±ð 239 270 260
〶Ĺó±ð³¾²¹±ô±ð 17 26 31
Number of Career Employees Hired Total Japan 63.7% The number of employees - - 864
〶IJѲ¹±ô±ð - - 745
〶Ĺó±ð³¾²¹±ô±ð - - 119
Total Non-consolidated - 58 112 262
〶IJѲ¹±ô±ð 52 94 235
〶Ĺó±ð³¾²¹±ô±ð 6 18 27
Number of Foreign Nationals Hired Non-consolidated - The number of employees 7 8 18
Rehired Retiree Numbers Non-consolidated - The number of employees 762 813 866
Voluntary Resignation Rate Consolidated 100% % - 4.14 3.81
Non-consolidated - 1.68 2.15 2.38
Resignation Rate, Including Retirement Due to Reaching the Retirement Age Non-consolidated - % 5.00 4.90 6.39
Percentage of Employees with Disabilities*1 Japan 64.4% % - - 2.38
Overseas 34.4% - - 0.21
Non-consolidated - 1.97 2.16 2.25
Management*2 Total Consolidated 100% The number of employees - - 6,901
〶IJѲ¹±ô±ð - - 6,237
〶Ĺó±ð³¾²¹±ô±ð - - 664
Total Non-consolidated - The number of employees 1,417 1,433 1,552
〶IJѲ¹±ô±ð 1,368 1,385 1,495
〶Ĺó±ð³¾²¹±ô±ð 49 48 57
Ratio of Female Managers Consolidated 100% % - - 9.62
Non-consolidated - 3.46 3.35 3.67
Average Age Total Non-consolidated - age 41.2 41.0 40.8
〶IJѲ¹±ô±ð - - 41.0
〶Ĺó±ð³¾²¹±ô±ð - - 38.6
Average Years of Service Total Non-consolidated - Years 18.7 18.3 17.3
〶IJѲ¹±ô±ð - - 17.7
〶Ĺó±ð³¾²¹±ô±ð - - 12.4
Average Annual Salary*3 Non-consolidated - Thousands of yen 7,534 7,770 7,886
Gender Wage Gap among Workers*4 All workers Non-consolidated - % - 84.8 84.7
Regular employees - 81.1 81.3
Part-time and fixed-term workers - 105.8 109.5
  1. *1Figures in Japan are calculated based on the Act to Facilitate the Employment of Persons with Disabilities, with data as of June 1 each year. For overseas, calculations are based on the laws of countries with applicable regulations, counting one person with a disability as one individual, with data as of the end of each fiscal month.
  2. *2Isuzu targets senior positions.
  3. *3Average annual salary includes non-standard salary and bonus.
  4. *4It represents the ratio of women's annual average wage to men's annual average wage.

Number of Employees Using Childcare/Nursing Care Support Systems

Unit FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Parenting Leave The number of employees 66 81 128
〶IJѲ¹±ô±ð 31 49 94
〶Ĺó±ð³¾²¹±ô±ð 35 32 34
Rate of male employees taking childcare leave*1 - 87.7% 88.0%
Nursing Care Leave 0 1 5
〶IJѲ¹±ô±ð 0 1 4
〶Ĺó±ð³¾²¹±ô±ð 0 0 1
Shortened Working Hours (Nursing Care and Childcare) 31 33 36
〶IJѲ¹±ô±ð 3 4 3
〶Ĺó±ð³¾²¹±ô±ð 28 29 33
  1. *1This is a calculation of the percentage of employees who have taken childcare leave and childcare purpose leave.

Health and Safety

Total Number of Incidents

Unit FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
All workers Cases 23 29 31

Number of Fatal Accidents

Unit FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Regular Employees Cases 0 0 0
Part-time and fixed-term workers 0 0 1

Lost Time Due to Injury Frequency Rate*1

FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Lost Time Due to Injury Frequency Rate 0.00 0.00 0.16
Automobile Manufacturing (Japan)*2 0.18 0.22 0.27
  1. *1Number of fatalities and injuries due to industrial accidents per 1 million actual working hours (accident frequency)
  2. *2Source: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Survey of Occupational Accident Trends, statistics tables.

Safety Training

Unit FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Number of Safety Course Attendees The number of employees 5,344 2,665 2,818

Human Resource Development

Training Achievements

Unit FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Total Hours of Training Hours 231,993 184,079 170,633
Hours Per Employee 29 23 21

Social Contribution Activities

Social Contribution Expenditure in FY2024 (Non-consolidated): 880 Million Yen

Unit Social contribution expenditure In-kind Donations Donations
Amount 1 million yen 739 7 130

Product Quality

Unit FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Number of recalls Cases 17 12 9

External Evaluation of Safety

Regional breakdown of vehicle models receiving overall 5-star safety ratings in the NCAP*1 program

Region External Assessment Model Rating Ratio
Europe Euro NCAP D-MAX 5 Stars 1/1
Australia ANCAP D-MAX, MU-X 5 Stars 2/2
Southeast Asia ASEAN NCAOP D-MAX, MU-X 5 Stars 2/2
  1. *1NCAP (New Car Assessment Program): A program that evaluates the safety of new cars, implemented with different standards and methods depending on the country or region.